Notice of Public Hearing


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE WEST YELLOWSTONE/HEBGEN BASIN SOLID WASTE BOARD.  Notice is hereby given that the West Yellowstone/Hebgen Basin Solid Waste Board will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, March 16, 2023, beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Povah Center, 10 S. Geyser St, West Yellowstone, Montana. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss establishing a maximum tip fee for the solid waste district.  A tip fee is used to defray operational and maintenance costs and is the sole source of revenue for the waste district.  The current maximum tip fee is $126/ton and cannot exceed that amount, due to a 1995 resolution.  To allow for future incremental tip fee increases, as deemed necessary, the Solid Waste Board proposes a new resolution establishing a maximum tip fee of $175/ton.  This will not change the current tip fee; it only sets the maximum tip fee for future needs.  The Solid Waste Board will consider all testimony, written or spoken at the hearing.  Additional information concerning this request can be obtained by contacting the West Yellowstone Transfer Station P.O. Box 226, West Yellowstone, MT. 59758 (406) 646-9298 or