About GIS

A primer on the profession of geographic information systems (GIS)

What is Geographic Information Systems (GIS)?

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is an interdisciplinary framework that provides the means to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present geospatial data. At its heart, GIS is a marriage of cartography, statistical analysis, and computer science, making it a multifaceted practice with applications in many disciplines. One way to gain a deeper understanding of the field is to outline the theoretical and applied sides of the field. Professionally, one's preference for either aspect provides career path direction for possible acolytes between academic pursuits or workforce pursuits, respectively.

The theoretical side of GIS is broad but can roughly be broken down into three main categories:

  1. Conceptual Foundations: GIS is rooted in the spatial theory which stresses the importance of 'location' and 'spatial relationships' in understanding real-world phenomena. The conceptual underpinnings of GIS revolve around topics like spatial autocorrelation, spatial cognition, and geospatial topology.
  2. Spatial Data Models: The way spatial data is represented within a GIS is crucial. Two primary types of spatial data models define this representation:
    1. Vector model: Represents geographical features using points, lines, and polygons. For example, a point might represent a city, a line could denote a river, and a polygon might symbolize a forest.
    2. Raster model: Represents geographical space as a grid of cells, where each cell has a particular value. Satellite imagery is a common example of raster data.
  3. Data Accuracy and Precision: Theoretical concerns also address issues related to the accuracy, precision, and uncertainty of spatial data. Spatial data accuracy might involve concerns about how well data maps onto real-world locations, while precision pertains to the level of detail.

The applied side of GIS can roughly be broken down into five main categories:

  1.  Data Collection and Integration: Theoretical concerns also address issues related to the accuracy, precision, and uncertainty of spatial data. Spatial data accuracy might involve concerns about how well data maps onto real-world locations, while precision pertains to the level of detail.
  2. Spatial Analysis: This is a core feature of GIS, allowing for the examination of spatial relationships, patterns, and trends. Examples include overlay analysis, buffer analysis, and network analysis.
  3. Visualization: GIS is an invaluable tool for visualizing spatial data, typically through maps. This visualization can help professionals and laypersons alike understand complex spatial relationships.
  4. Decision Support: In the applied context, GIS aids countless sectors in decision-making processes. Whether it's an urban planner deciding where to construct a new park or a business leader plotting out store locations based on demographics, GIS offers tools to make more informed decisions.
  5. Custom Software Solutions: With the evolution of programming languages and platforms, there's a growing field in GIS that involves developing custom software solutions and applications tailored to specific tasks or industries.

GIS, in its entirety, is not just a software or a tool, but rather a sophisticated framework that bridges the theoretical and practical realms. It integrates the fundamental principles of geography, the complexities of spatial data, and the power of modern technology to decipher, depict, and deploy information about our world. Whether delving deep into the realms of geographic theory or leveraging its capabilities to address real-world challenges, GIS remains a potent blend of science and application.

What are the skills, training, and positions in GIS?

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has revolutionized the way we analyze, represent, and make decisions related to spatial data. From analyzing climate change to plotting efficient routes for delivery trucks, GIS professionals play a pivotal role in the modern data-driven world. If you're considering a career in GIS or simply wish to understand the field better, here's a comprehensive overview of the skills required, the training needed, and the professional roles available.

  1. Essential Skills (a complete overview and exploration may be found at the Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T) Body of Knowledge)
    1. Technical proficiency: Understanding GIS software, such as ArcGIS or QGIS, is fundamental. This involves tasks like layering multiple data sets, performing spatial analyses, and generating visual outputs like maps.
    2. Cartography/ UX Design: The art and science of (web) map-making. A GIS professional should be adept at visualizing and presenting data in a manner that is both informative and aesthetically pleasing.
    3. Spatial Analysis: This involves analyzing spatial relationships, patterns, and trends in data. For instance, predicting flooding based on topography and rainfall data.
    4. Remote Sensing: The ability to interpret and analyze data from satellite or airborne cameras to gather information about the earth's surface.
    5. Programming: As GIS continues to evolve, knowing programming languages such as Python or JavaScript are invaluable for automating tasks and customizing GIS applications.
    6. Database Management: Handling large sets of spatial data requires a good understanding of databases and SQL.
    7. Critical Thinking: Given the varied sources of spatial data, it's crucial to assess the accuracy, relevance, and quality of information.
    8. Communication Skills: Translating complex spatial data into understandable visuals or reports for stakeholders is essential.
    9. Project Management: GIS often requires project management for geospatial infrastructure projects.
  2. Training & Advancement
    1. Entry-level positions, such as GIS technicians, often require a Bachelor's degree in GIS, geography, environmental science, or related fields.
    2. For advanced roles, a Master's degree or professional certifications, like the GIS Professional (GISP) certification, might be necessary.
    3. Continuous Learning: The world of GIS is ever-evolving with new tools, techniques, and applications. Regularly attending workshops, webinars, and conferences can help professionals stay updated.
    4. Specialization: With experience, one can specialize in fields like planning, environmental conservation, disaster management, transportation, or health, to name a few.
    5. Networking: Building relationships with other professionals, attending professional organization events and meetings, and participating in the community can aid in career learning and advancement.
  3. Professional Roles in GIS
    1. GIS Technician: Primarily involved in data collection, input, and basic analysis.
    2. GIS Specialist: Provides specialized knowledge and applications of GIS to a field such as remote sensing, planning, water quality, etc.
    3. GIS Analyst: Conducts more detailed spatial analyses, creates maps, and interprets data to support decision-making.
    4. GIS Developer: Creates customized software solutions and tools for GIS applications, usually requiring strong programming skills.
    5. GIS Manager: Oversees GIS projects, manages teams, ensures data quality, and liaises with stakeholders.
    6. Cartographer: Specializes in creating maps that are both accurate and aesthetically compelling.
    7. Consultant: Provides expert advice to organizations on GIS projects, implementations, and best practices.
    8. Researcher/Academic: Engages in groundbreaking work in universities and institutions, exploring new applications or methods in GIS.

A GIS professional operates at the intersection of technology, geography, and data science. As society grows more interconnected and data-dependent, GIS professionals will continue to be indispensable in numerous sectors, from urban planning and disaster response to environmental conservation and beyond. With the right skills and continuous learning, the opportunities in the GIS field are vast and rewarding.

GIS Professional Organizations

Gallatin County GIS

Gallatin County GIS has its roots with the county's implementation of a map-based 911 CAD system created by Intergraph (now Hexagon AB). This brought the power of digital GIS to 911. After a couple of years with the system, the county realized it required a dedicated staff member to administer and maintain the system so they hired the contractor working on the system as the GIS Manager. This GIS Manager went on to provide the foundation for the organization and headed it as a department until 2015. The Department was staffed by three full-time positions regularly and occasionally employed temporary staff/interns up until 2020.

In 2000, the County Commissioners adopted Resolution 2000-128 which set policies for addressing properties and naming roads. The document also established the Gallatin County GIS Department as the authorized addressing and road naming authority for the county. In 2002 a supplemental policy for re-addressing and re-naming roads was adopted with Resolution 2002-17. These two documents guided the addressing and road naming practice in the county for the next 20+ years until the adoption of Resolution 2023-077, The Gallatin County Addressing and Road Naming Policies and Procedures Manual, which establishes a robust address reference system. The essence of addressing as an orientational system for the road network means it's inherently spatial and the priority role it plays in emergency response gave rise to Gallatin County GIS as it has given rise to so many local government GIS shops. As the operations of the department formed, the organization moved more fully into the position of being a general support function with the employment of GIS staff in support of field data collection, analysis, and administration for other county departments. For example, Gallatin County GIS has contributed to several projects in the past such as the Gallatin County HAZUS-MH Earthquake Study, improvements to the county's geographic coordinate database (GCDB), and the Gallatin Valley Ditch Project. This support function was further improved with the creation of the county's first web map application. 

The first web map application hosted by Gallatin County GIS was an Esri IMS application used in the 2000's prior to 2008 when the application was migrated over to ArcGIS Server. Several map applications tailored for use by different departments according to their needs were created and served as the first iteration of the web maps hosted today. In 2011, a consultant organization was hired to improve the web map applications with querying functions to non-Esri databases like Tyler's iTax system used by the Clerk and Recorder's Office. In 2016, the original web map application was revised to employ a JavaScript modular framework that facilitated making style and content changes to the map applications. This was the last major project to work on the web map applications although several independent custom web applications have been made for specific uses since such as the EHS Data Manager, the Fort Ellis Fire Fee Map, and the COVID Dashboard. 

In 2015, the GIS Department became a Division of the Planning Department while also seeing an exponential increase in addressing/road naming service demand (see graph, below). That increase has been sustained ever since and, combined with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to a change in the capacity of the GIS Division to perform its general support function while also continuing to fall behind on years of deferred maintenance. This year (2023), GIS was moved under 911. This move will help pave the way to adopt the needed changes for Next Generation 911.